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Hello from Belize

A letter from ERIK & JUNIETTE GREENWOOD, our Husband AND Wife Ministry Team in Belize!


We hope everyone is doing well! I want to share some of the things happening with our ministry work this year! As most of you know, my husband and I felt called to move to Belize at the beginning of the year, and it has been an amazing adventure! Our Church in California, His Way Community Church, is fully supporting this ministry, but as the ministry is growing, we would share with you what is going on, and how you can partner with us to keep growing and helping this ministry!

This is what our week looks like...

We have Sunday Services at 10AM. Transportation is a challenge so we provide transportation to and from church. After service, we spend time in fellowship as a Body of Christ. During our fellowship time, our church provides full meals for everyone (which can be from 35 to 80 people), and the kids have a chance to roller skate on the rink we built!

On Tuesdays we have our Bible Studies! This is a really good day to go deeper in the word of God!

Wednesdays we provide our English classes. Here in Belize, we have noticed there are kids in the 5th or 6th grade that have no knowledge of how to read. So, as of December, around 12 kids that join us for English classes and we hope to grow!

Every other weekend we have Bible classes. Our church has been picking people up from San Jose, Toledo, which is almost 3 hours away. We provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner for about 25 people every two weekends. On Saturdays, we provide breakfast and lunch, then we drop them off and come back to the property to make sure things are running and ready to start our Sunday again!

How cool is that?! We go to different villages showing movies and bringing the Word of God to people that don’t have much access to technology. This evangelism trailer has allowed us the opportunity to bring the Gospel and reach more people for the Kingdom of God.

These activities we have are a blessing for so many people, as we provide a way to listen and learn about the Word of God, which we know God is pleased with the labor that is getting done around here.



As we perform all of these activities, prices can be a little high, and as I mentioned, our main church in California has been fully supporting the Ministry. Having said this, I would ask that you ask God how can you partner with us and help this ministry to keep growing and reaching souls for the Kingdom of God! There is no “small amount”, and it can be a one time or a recurring donation!

You can donate via PayPal online, every single dollar will be put in a Belize fund to make sure it goes straight to this beautiful Ministry!

Thank you for reading this and for your prayers! We surely appreciate them!           

Erik and Juniette Greenwood


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